Friday, October 10, 2014

Healthy Eating On A Budget - 5 Tips To Do It Easily

Healthy eating on a budget can be tough because it is costing more now to eat healthy. Nowadays, some of the lowest priced foods such as fast food value meals and cheap potato chips are also some of the least healthy. Thus, it is important to learn some useful tips to eat healthy within a tight budget.

And the good news is that preparing healthy meals doesn't have to be costly, you just need to have a careful plan.

Step 1 - Your shopping list

Get yourself a shopping list on hand before visiting supermarket. Shopping without a sense of what you need or don't need put you in danger of going off budget. Without a shopping list, you are very likely to buy foods that are very tempting but without much nutrition.

So a good tip is to list down everything on a note pad. Have a quick check in your refrigerator to avoid forgetting things you need.

Step 2 - Take note of the flyers

Keep a close eye on major food stores about their weekly sales promotion found on local newspaper. Take advantage of the promotional prices of the healthy foods. It's going to save you a great deal in the long run. Besides, it helps to store a pantry full of fresh and nutritious foods at home which is going to last until the next promotion.

In addition, locally grown, in season fruits and vegetables are normally a bargain than out of season or shipped fruits and vegetables.

Another great way of getting great deals for fruits and veggies is going to your local farmers market. Many towns have at least once a week in a permanent location. Check that out in your town. For example, I got one in my town every Thursday. If I miss this out, I can always go to another local farmer market at different location on every Saturday. So, you must be conscious all the time if you want to practise healthy eating on a budget.

Step 3 - Main staples stock

Many major groceries will run some sales promotion for the main staple foods such as pasta, flour and rice. So it is a good idea to stock up these essentials when the prices are low because it's going to stretch your food budget. But do take note that the way you must store these essentials properly to avoid the pantry moths and flour bugs.

Step 4 - Make full use of coupons

Do make use of coupons when manufacturers give out these kinds of facility. It's going to stretch some discounts percentage for you. But be careful not to buy into less healthy foods just because you're issued with huge coupons.

Step 5 - Read the label carefully

You can get a lot of useful information from the nutritional labels. So read it with care to avoid any less healthy foods. Pay attention to details such as calories & fats, various essential vitamins and minerals. The expiry date is another important thing. I will always buy products with later manufactured date if given the same products with different manufactured batch.

In conclusion, these 5 tips are going to equip you with greater confidence to feed yourself and your family with much healthier meals. Practise it from now on and I'm sure healthy eating on a budget can be done easily.

Ways to Make Fast, Healthy Meals While Keeping Costs Low

Providing a quick and healthy, yet low-budget meal is a problem that almost all parents face these days. Preparing a full course meal for the family along with all the washing that goes with it can be a daunting task for anyone, let alone a working mother.

The best solution in such a situation is to sit back and relax and let someone else do the cooking for you. No! We are not suggesting that you buy all those packs of "instant meals," which are mostly junk food with zero or limited nutritional value, not to mention a drain on your pocket. The solution here is to be able to cook quick and easy meals, which are healthy, tasty and fit your budget.

Chicken is one of the most nutritious and cheapest ways to feed your family. Use the chicken wings in a soup and just add a few veggies like potatoes, onions, etc. to the remaining pieces along with some spices and pop it in the oven. And voila! You have a healthy and tasty meal ready.

Now you can relax with a book or spend time with your family while the chicken is baking in the oven. You can also complete some of your other chores like laundry and cleaning while the meal is in the oven.

A lot of people are vegetarians and if you are also one of them, then all you need to do is replace the chicken with pasta. Children are usually fond of pasta or spaghetti. To ensure that they eat healthy, just add vegetables to the tomato gravy. Add some cheese and spices and you have a perfectly healthy meal.

Another option is creating a pasta sauce, which is something that can be made with many variations. Just by adding a few things like olives and mushrooms, you can create a different type of pasta meal. You could use chopped tomatoes instead of just tomato paste.

Eggs provide another nutritious and inexpensive option. Eggs can also be cooked with many variations. You could either create a wholesome meal like the "Shakshuka," the famous Middle Eastern meal, which is cooked with eggs, tomatoes and onions, or you can also make an omelet with loads of vegetables. When served with rice, it's a wholesome and healthy meal.

If you are a working parent, then we are sure that you understand when we talk about " quick and easy" meals. With just a little imagination and creativity, you can cook quick and healthy meals for your family.

Healthy Meal Ideas Featuring Fish, Chicken, Turkey, Vegetables and Dessert

Healthy Meal Ideas

As more people are growing concerned with a healthy diet, more people are starting to look for healthier meal ideas. Healthy meals do not have to be complex or taste terrible. Here are some healthy meal ideas featuring a variety of foods to make your meal planning easier.

Fish Based Healthy Low-Calorie Meals

Fish is an incredibly healthy meat option because of the necessary Omega 3 fatty acids. For those who enjoy it, there are several options for a healthy meal based around fish.

Check out:
• Grilled Tuna Steaks with Salad
• Salmon with Asparagus and Steamed Potatoes
• Tuna Steaks with Cous Cous and Corn on the Cob
• Grilled or Steamed Salmon Seasoned to Taste and Served with a Vegetable Medley

Chicken and Turkey Based Healthy Meals

Chicken and Turkey are far healthier than red meats, and are great alternatives for the people who do not enjoy fish based meals.

Check out these ideas:
• Grilled Chicken with Whole Grain Rice and Steamed Vegetables
• Turkey Casserole with Tomatoes and Sweet Corn
• Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad
• Chicken or Turkey Wraps with Baked Potato
• Chicken or Turkey with Pasta and Steamed Vegetables

Healthy Vegetarian Based Meals

Vegetarian meals are a wonderful way to eat healthy. Even people who are not strictly vegetarian can make a more affordable meal by leaving out the meat component. Since protein and other nutrients found in meat can also come from produce, you don't have to sacrifice nutrition or taste.

Check out these ideas:
• Stir Fry with your choice of vegetables
• Vegetable Curry with Brown Rice
• Fettuccine Alfredo (provided you still eat cheese products)
• Macaroni and Cheese (provided you still eat cheese products)
• Vegetable Soup
• Spaghetti with Marinara

Healthy Meal Tips for Dessert

Even when eating healthy, we are still going to crave sweet foods. This is where fruit salads, yogurt, and healthy whole grain cereals can come in handy. Freeze plain yogurt and top with a fruit medley to mimic ice cream. Try a Jell-O Pudding Snack, or making your own Jell-O parfait.

When choosing your healthy meal options, remember that fruits and vegetables are important. You can eat lots of them without worrying so much about your calorie intake. Consider low fat and low calorie alternatives to things such as butter and whipped cream. This will make your meals more healthy without having to sacrifice on taste!

If you want to get healthy meals on a budget, consider using a wholesale club to purchase your meat items in bulk. This will cut down on the price per pound and you can purchase several nights worth of meals at once.

To save time cooking, you can prepare all the meat together, freezing it until you are ready to use it. Steamed vegetables are available frozen and will steam in the microwave in the bag, so when you're in a pinch you can thaw your cooked chicken, turkey, or fish, and serve it with the microwave steamed vegetables for a healthy snack in a hurry.

Feeding a Family Healthy Meals on a Shoe String Budget

List of ways of how to feed a family healthy meals without breaking the bank:

1. Allow only one person to do the shopping-Statistics show when children or spouses accompany you, you tend to buy items you did not intend to buy, plus if you have one designated person that person will have control over all items that are brought in to the home or apartment.

A Few Shopping Recommendations:

o Plan every meal before going to the store.
o Purchase only those items that you need for the planned meals-Being prepared increases the chances of getting only what you need for your meal.
o Do not buy snacks, desserts, etc. make them. Not only can you control what ingredients are in your snacks you can teach children how to follow recipes and make healthier dishes on a shoe string budget
o Buy large portions and break them up into small portions. Most of the time when you purchase in large quantities you save money. Be astute; don't purchase the large size if there isn't a considerable savings.
o Buy very little processed boxed foods-Processed foods are known for high calories and unhealthy ingredients. If you can avoid it do not purchase prepared shelf items.

2. Prepare meals in advance-What happens to a busy family is everyone comes home tired and hungry and the easiest thing to do is reach for the quickest versus the healthiest meal. If you prepared your food in advance all you have to do is heat it and eat it.

3. Cook soups or casseroles in large amounts and freeze for later meals. This is perfect for your shoe string budget because soups are delicious year round.

4. Drink water versus pops and expensive juices. There is nothing better than plain water to keep your body hydrated and refreshed. And this all you need to wash down those healthy meals.

5. Be a wise consumer, because you are now operating on a shoestring budget you need to use tactics that will guarantee saving a dollar, i.e.:
o Shop at discount stores, even the dollar store, Yes I said the dollar store. You will be surprised what they have to offer for only $1
o Use coupons when possible
o Do not pay full price for anything-Unfortunately because prices change so rapidly if an item is not on sale there is a great possibility the price has been raised to compensate for those items that are on sale.
o Purchase fresh fruits and vegetables. If on sale purchase, cook and freeze for later usage. If not on sale buy small amounts. Get only what is needed for planned meals or snacks.
o Always, Always, Always read labels. It is important to know the following: Calorie count, fat content, Sugar and salt count and what unhealthy ingredients it contains.

6. Practice portion control. Serve every member appropriate portions to control overeating. Meats should be 4-6 oz, vegetables 1 cup or more if green leafy veggies, carb only the size of a baseball. Be very conscious of this.

7. Last not certainly not least; have a budget before shopping. Put aside what you will spend for food for the month and do not go over that budget. When you are on a shoestring budget you must keep it lean, consistent and stick to it.

Hopefully the above tips will help you serve your family healthy meals every day and save at the same time. This is how you feed a family on a shoe string budget.

This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in part or its entirety, but author's name, bio and website links, must remain intact and be included in every reproduction.

Healthy Meals on a Budget

f you find yourself in the position of having to come up with meal ideas that will be both healthy and stay within a strict budget, you are not alone. But you can rest assured that it can be done, and with some helpful tips and a little practice, you can do it too.

Healthy Meals on a Budget should meet the following requirements:

1. Adequate amounts of all the food groups.

2. Low in refined carbs (ie white flour)

3. High in whole grains

4. Tasty and interesting

5. Easy to follow plan

If a budget plan is too difficult or stressful to follow, it will fail. Get your family involved and get their support. They may come up with some ideas that will pleasantly surprise you.

Where to start:

Determine where your food dollars have been going. How much money do you spend picking up fast food on the way home? How much money do you spend buying breakfast every morning on the way to work? How much money do you spend buying ready-made luxury items like pre-cooked meatloaf? Add it all up.

You may be surprised how much money a little bit of planning ahead could save you. Get family members to take turns making breakfast for everyone in the morning. Or try making muffins on the weekend and freeze. Microwave in the morning and presto!

Cook up a few meatloaves, and a few other family favorites on one day and freeze to use as emergency dinners another day.

Stretching Money:

When cooking a meal, base everything around a healthy, inexpensive food item. Here are some examples:

* Barley soup with vegetables and beef

* Brown rice with stir-fry vegetables (add an egg into the stir-fry if desired)

* Split pea soup with carrots and ham

* Baked potatoes with some toppings (sour cream, bacon, cheese etc.)

Serve lots of the base item, accompanied by enough of the add-ins to balance out the meal and keep everyone happy.
